
Lumbini intro - Birth place of Lord Buddh

Exact birthplace of Lord Buddha

Puskarini Pond - Infant Siddhartha was given his first purificatary bath here

Lumbini Ashoka Pillar

Lumbini Garden & Ruins

One Comments to “Lumbini”
  1. diliprai says:

    In those time Nepal was called “Kiratdesa”. The term “Nepal” only starts from 4th century BC.During the Buddha period, there were many tribes ruling the various region. Shakya tribe(whom Buddha was born into) was ruling the Kapilavastu region.During the Gupta Empire, many tribes were were rounded up and Sanskritize to form One Nation–>Bharat(India), with One language Hindi.But Kiratdesa(Nepal) has always been a sovereign nation.

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